Title:NET - a kind of poetry of space
Artwork Description:
NET - a kind of poetry of space, this work titled "NET" is a unique visual representation of artist EWAN QIAN's interweaving of the virtual and the real by means of 3D rendering technology. In the wide virtual sky, there floats a set of three-dimensional interlocking geometrical forms, which are interspersed with pure white squares, constructing a kind of random but regular Kandersky-like abstract structure. These geometric forms, like space stations, exist peacefully in the serene universe, representing the artist's elegant imagination of a free, fresh and intertwined cyberspace.
The delicate silk-like lines in the work float freely, and like light notes, they weave an invisible melody in space. These thin and long flakes, complemented by subtle blue lines, dance freely in the air like mysterious galaxies in space.