the next arena
reaL-time  live performance

A new generation of virtual stage performances

Our goal was to create a virtual stage performance space like never before.
Here, high-fidelity visuals are perfectly integrated with authentic stage sets, bringing the audience an extremely immersive experience.

高保真演出空间 :
High-fidelity performance space :

  • 真实的动态舞台:我们的三维设计软件预先制作了实时演出所需的一切,从相机分镜到舞台机械结构,再到多媒体美术素材,确保每一次演出都是一场视觉盛宴。 
  •   Realistic Dynamic Staging: Our 3D design software pre-produces everything you need for a live show, from camera storyboards to stage mechanics to multimedia art, ensuring every show is a visual feast.

  • 虚拟与现实的融合:通过Alembic动画模型格式,我们能够实现那些实时渲染引擎无法捕捉的特殊动画效果,如音频控制的模型动画和复杂的物理模拟。
  • Convergence of virtual and reality: With the Alembic animation model format, we are able to achieve special animation effects that cannot be captured by real-time rendering engines, such as audio-controlled model animations and complex physics simulations.

技术亮点 :
Technical Highlights :
  • 实时表演与自动化舞台:利用实时渲染引擎,我们能够精确控制美术资产的移动与播放,让演出随着音乐的节奏自然流动。
  • Real-time performance and automated staging: With a real-time rendering engine, we were able to precisely control the movement and playback of art assets, allowing the show to flow naturally to the rhythm of the music.

  • 音画互动:我们通过代码将声音信息与视频特效参数相结合,创造出一种全新的感官体验,让观众在视觉和听觉上都能感受音乐的魅力。
  • Audio-visual interaction: We combine sound information with video special effect parameters through code to create a new sensory experience, allowing the audience to feel the charm of music both visually and audibly.

  • 离线渲染与实时渲染的结合:我们结合了离线渲染的精确控制和实时渲染的感染力,为艺人的演出带来前所未有的高度。
  • Combination of offline and real-time rendering: We combine the precise control of offline rendering with the appeal of real-time rendering to bring artists to unprecedented heights.

Stage Elements:
  • 视觉与粒子特效:响应音乐舞蹈动作的舞台视觉,以及随着音乐节点在空间内炸开的粒子效果,为观众带来震撼的视觉体验。
  • Visual & Particle Effects: Stage visuals that respond to music and dance movements, as well as particle effects that explode in space as music nodes explode, bring a stunning visual experience to the audience.

  • 灯光与镭射:从照亮艺人的闪烁灯光动画到显示舞台轮廓的灯光动画,再到DMX舞台灯光效果和镭射激光,我们的舞台灯光设计旨在增强演出的动态感和视觉冲击力。
  • Lighting & Lasers: From twinkling light animations that illuminate the artist, to light animations that show the contours of the stage, to DMX stage lighting effects and laser lasers, our stage lighting designs are designed to enhance the dynamic and visual impact of a show.

  • 分镜机位:我们精心设计的演出开头和结尾,以及抒情的慢动作特写镜头,都是为了讲述一个故事,增强演出的叙事性。
  • Storyboard: Our carefully designed beginnings and endings of the show, as well as lyrical slow-motion close-ups, are all designed to tell a story and enhance the narrative of the show.

  • 舞台元素:包括虚拟伴舞、可移动的舞台布景元素、响应艺人舞蹈的音画互动效果,以及可变形的灯光激光设备架和屏幕装置,都是为了创造一个多维的演出空间。
  • Stage elements: including virtual backing dance, movable stage set elements, interactive sound and picture effects that respond to the artist's dance, and transformable light and laser equipment racks and screen installations, all to create a multi-dimensional performance space.